COVID-19 Policy – Glenwood Cemetery Association.
Due to the current health and safety concerns surrounding COVID-19 corona virus, Glenwood Cemetery will be instituting the following policy regarding all internments, inurnments, entombments and ceremonies at the cemetery.
Attendance at any ceremony at our cemetery will be limited to immediate family with a maximum of 10 people including funeral director, staff and clergy. Cemetery staff will only interact with authorized funeral directors during this time until federal, state and local health rules are lessened. This is for the protection of our valued cemetery staff as well as our families and lot owners.
Internment grave sites will be prepared in advance if graveside service is requested. Glenwood personnel will remove themselves from the site until family members have left the area. No casket lowering or gravesite preparation or finishing will occur with family or non-cemetery staff present. Any pall bearers will be directed from a minimum distance by funeral director and or cemetery personnel to set caskets. If pall bearers are not available, caskets should be moved via cemetery and funeral parlor personnel. **we request funeral directors advise us in advance if pall bearers will be available.
Entombment and Inurnment sites will be prepared in advance by cemetery personnel. Chapel use (optional charge as normal) is allowed utilizing capacity limits above. Cemetery staff will prepare chapel, but will not be in contact with any members of public during chapel services. Only after family members have left area will cemetery staff remove casket or cremations for entombment/inurnment.
All questions, inquires and concerns should be directed to the Glenwood office by calling 716-433-3060. For the protection of our office staff, we request that people call to the extent possible and avoid in-person visits to the office. We reserve the right to deny entry to any member of the public in the office based on presenting symptomatic evidence of sickness. In person meetings must be scheduled in advance and only when required for payment of fees, signature of official documentation and review of sales material.
Please note, we look forward as everyone does to resumption of normal social rules and a return to normal life and activities, however as an essential service provider during the pandemic, we MUST protect ourselves and our staff as much as possible from contagion. Your understanding and patience is greatly appreciated.
Glenwood Cemetery Association – 3/23/2019
Glenwood Cemetery
325 Glenwood Avenue - Lockport, New York 14094